Pantallas y matrices

Display a Matrice Verde - Led Matrix Green 38mm Dot Display 8x8 Com AnodeDisplay a Matrice Verde - Led Matrix Green 38mm Dot Display 8x8 Com Anode
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Pin LCD da 1.3 "IIC / I2C 12864 OLED LCD a 4 pinPin LCD da 1.3 "IIC / I2C 12864 OLED LCD a 4 pin
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3 Pezzi 7 segmenti display anodo comune FND5003 Pezzi 7 segmenti display anodo comune FND500
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3 Pezzi 7 segmenti display catodo comune3 Pezzi 7 segmenti display catodo comune
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Display touchscreen LCD TFT FriendlyARM S702 da 7.0” 800x480Display touchscreen LCD TFT FriendlyARM S702 da 7.0” 800x480
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0.56" 4bit Common Cathode Red LED Digitale 7-Segment Display0.56" 4bit Common Cathode Red LED Digitale 7-Segment Display
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TM1638 Digitale 8Bit LED Tube 8 Keys Display Modulo for AVR Arduino ARMTM1638 Digitale 8Bit LED Tube 8 Keys Display Modulo for AVR Arduino ARM
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3.2-inch Touch Schermo con un GPU USART HMI image configuration Schermo font Seriale Schermo TFT LCD3.2-inch Touch Schermo con un GPU USART HMI image configuration Schermo font Seriale Schermo TFT LCD
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2.8Inch TFT SPI Interfaccia ILI9341 Driver2.8Inch TFT SPI Interfaccia ILI9341 Driver
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Blue Arduino IIC/I2C 1602 LCD ModuloBlue Arduino IIC/I2C 1602 LCD Modulo
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1.44" Red Seriale 128X128 SPI Color TFT LCD Modulo Display Replace Nokia 5110 LCD1.44" Red Seriale 128X128 SPI Color TFT LCD Modulo Display Replace Nokia 5110 LCD
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4.3inch e-Paper 800x600 Resolution Seriale Interfaccia Electronic Paper Display Panel Modulo Kit with Embedded Font Libraries D4.3inch e-Paper 800x600 Resolution Seriale Interfaccia Electronic Paper Display Panel Modulo Kit with Embedded Font Libraries D
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Neopixel 64 WS2812 5050 RGB LED SquareNeopixel 64 WS2812 5050 RGB LED Square
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Neopixel 64 WS2812 5050 RGB LED SquareNeopixel 64 WS2812 5050 RGB LED Square
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4 Digit 7 Segment LED Common Catode4 Digit 7 Segment LED Common Catode
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Matrice Led Multicolore RGB 16x32 5V 2A Collegabile in serie con Scheda DriverMatrice Led Multicolore RGB 16x32 5V 2A Collegabile in serie con Scheda Driver
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1.8 inch TFT LCD Shield per Arduino Esplora1.8 inch TFT LCD Shield per Arduino Esplora
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AT24C256 I2C Interfaccia EEPROM memory ModuloAT24C256 I2C Interfaccia EEPROM memory Modulo
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NDSI Touch SchermoNDSI Touch Schermo
In Stock
NDSI Touch SchermoNDSI Touch Schermo
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Matrice a Led Multicolore RGB Anodo Comune 8x8 60mm 2388RGBMatrice a Led Multicolore RGB Anodo Comune 8x8 60mm 2388RGB
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3MM red and green (common anode), 24 feet 8 * 8 red and green dot3MM red and green (common anode), 24 feet 8 * 8 red and green dot
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Matrice LED 8x8 Rosso Anodo Comune 1.9mmMatrice LED 8x8 Rosso Anodo Comune 1.9mm
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Matrice LED 8x8 Rossi Grandezza 38mmx38mmMatrice LED 8x8 Rossi Grandezza 38mmx38mm
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Matrice LED 8x8 Colore rosso Spessore 5mm dimensioneMatrice LED 8x8 Colore rosso Spessore 5mm dimensione
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Digitale tube, 0.56 inches, 2Digitale tube, Digitale tube anode, 5261 LED Digitale tubeDigitale tube, 0.56 inches, 2Digitale tube, Digitale tube anode, 5261 LED Digitale tube
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14 foot time display common anode 0.56 4 Digitale tube display with time specification 50 * 19 * 7.8MM14 foot time display common anode 0.56 4 Digitale tube display with time specification 50 * 19 * 7.8MM
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0.36 inches, 3 Digitale tube, Digitale tube anode, 5361, LED Digitale tube0.36 inches, 3 Digitale tube, Digitale tube anode, 5361, LED Digitale tube
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Digitale control Modulo, 8 Seriale, 595 drivers, data display Modulo, microcontroller Modulo, electronic building blocks dedicDigitale control Modulo, 8 Seriale, 595 drivers, data display Modulo, microcontroller Modulo, electronic building blocks dedic
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Microcontrollore 3 in 1 (Orologio + SensoreTemperatura + voltaggio) Chip DS1302, 7133HMicrocontrollore 3 in 1 (Orologio + SensoreTemperatura + voltaggio) Chip DS1302, 7133H
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Modulo 8 caratteri 7 segmenti Display Digitale SPI LED (Arduino Compatibile)Modulo 8 caratteri 7 segmenti Display Digitale SPI LED (Arduino Compatibile)
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LCD Display Modulo arduino 16x2 HD44780 Character LCM BLULCD Display Modulo arduino 16x2 HD44780 Character LCM BLU
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Nokia 5110 LCD (blue Schermo) LCD ModuloNokia 5110 LCD (blue Schermo) LCD Modulo
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LCD2002 LCD Schermo, character LCD Modulo, yellow-green backlightLCD2002 LCD Schermo, character LCD Modulo, yellow-green backlight
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LCD4004 40 caratteri 4 lineeLCD4004 40 caratteri 4 linee
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LCD4002 40 caratteri 2 lineeLCD4002 40 caratteri 2 linee
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192x64 Graphic LCD Display Modulo192x64 Graphic LCD Display Modulo
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2.8-inch TFT LCD Modulo, ili9325, with Scheda SD Connettore, touch IC to send the touch pen2.8-inch TFT LCD Modulo, ili9325, with Scheda SD Connettore, touch IC to send the touch pen
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LCD1602 character LCD, input and output Scheda Espansione, LCD Keypad Shield per ArduinoLCD1602 character LCD, input and output Scheda Espansione, LCD Keypad Shield per Arduino
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1604 LCD, 1604 LCD, LCD1604 LCD, 1604 LCD, 5V Blue Schermo1604 LCD, 1604 LCD, LCD1604 LCD, 1604 LCD, 5V Blue Schermo
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0802 LCD, LCD Schermo, LCD Modulo0802 LCD, LCD Schermo, LCD Modulo
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Mostrando 1–48 de 165 resultados